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Do not forget to reserve your accommodation!

It is only 2 and a half months away until WDOC23 and DMOWC will take place in Stockholm & Solna. Now it is time to make your reservation for accommodation to make sure you have somewhere to stay during WDOC23!

The deadline for making the accommodation reservation is 15 june and must be made through this form: Accommodation Form - WDOC23 Pdf, 296.2 kB.

Information of the accommodation options can be found on this link: Accommodation WDOC23 | (svenskdovidrott.se) Länk till annan webbplats.

Due to the high amount requests of single and triple room, we have made a deal with Scandic Hotel Järva Krog and are happy to offer you both single and triple rooms. Please pick your choice of accommodation and room type in the form. Send the form filled and signed (must go through your nation Deaf Sports Federation) to wdoc23@dovidrott.se not later than 15th June!

Publicerad: 2023-06-12

Senast uppdaterad: 2023-06-12

Författare: Frej Fredman


Skansbrogatan 7
118 60 Stockholm

Kontakta oss


BOX 11016
100 61 Stockholm